Sunday, December 30, 2012

Our THOUGHTS affect everyone

What is it that you see in the picture? Cause what you see no one else sees the same way. That process is also the same process for thought. And your thoughts are the way that Source experiences itself. Thought is the first step in the creative process. One cannot create anything and I mean anything without a thought.
Thought can be very powerful depending on what you attach to it. To create something in your life you think about it, then contemplate it, and that starts the energy process of creation. When you stop your thought it then goes into what is called  the Pool of Thought. Thought just doesn't disappear cause thought was imagined as a Thought. Just by not continuing the creative process doesn't mean it is not out there somewhere in our small little universe. That is what the Pool of Thought is for, to hold all thought, and that means ALL thought. When we think of something , anything, just because we don't act on it doesn't mean the thought goes away, it merely gets stored in the Pool of Thought, and someone else is allowed to pick up that thought at any given moment and expand it. Source has allowed that process to exist, so it can itself expand and experience the all. Have you ever thought of killing someone in your life's existence? Oh, there are times when someone has pissed you off to the point that you thought of doing something terrible to them, yet you didn't act against that person or persons because you thought differently. So...if you have ever thought a thought, and someone else picks up that thought out of the Pool of Thought, who then is responsible for the Thought? The one who thought of it, or the one who reacted to it? The thought had to be created by someone. Welcome to this worldly plane of existence. We are very powerful beings. Your thoughts dictate just who you are and who you become. Whether you can accept this concept or not is not important. It is a truth. And not all truth is accepted. We experienced a terrible tragedy this past year, or should I say we experience terrible tragedies everyday on this plane of existence and most go unnoticed because there are so many. But the killing of innocent anyone, let alone killing itself,  is thought of by all of us at some point in our lives. We all contribute to the Pool of Thought, and all in return are allowed to pick up thoughts out of that pool. Someone once said "Be careful of what you wish for"...that saying is more true than you know....Kaseybrad

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