Sunday, December 30, 2012

Our THOUGHTS affect everyone

What is it that you see in the picture? Cause what you see no one else sees the same way. That process is also the same process for thought. And your thoughts are the way that Source experiences itself. Thought is the first step in the creative process. One cannot create anything and I mean anything without a thought.
Thought can be very powerful depending on what you attach to it. To create something in your life you think about it, then contemplate it, and that starts the energy process of creation. When you stop your thought it then goes into what is called  the Pool of Thought. Thought just doesn't disappear cause thought was imagined as a Thought. Just by not continuing the creative process doesn't mean it is not out there somewhere in our small little universe. That is what the Pool of Thought is for, to hold all thought, and that means ALL thought. When we think of something , anything, just because we don't act on it doesn't mean the thought goes away, it merely gets stored in the Pool of Thought, and someone else is allowed to pick up that thought at any given moment and expand it. Source has allowed that process to exist, so it can itself expand and experience the all. Have you ever thought of killing someone in your life's existence? Oh, there are times when someone has pissed you off to the point that you thought of doing something terrible to them, yet you didn't act against that person or persons because you thought differently. So...if you have ever thought a thought, and someone else picks up that thought out of the Pool of Thought, who then is responsible for the Thought? The one who thought of it, or the one who reacted to it? The thought had to be created by someone. Welcome to this worldly plane of existence. We are very powerful beings. Your thoughts dictate just who you are and who you become. Whether you can accept this concept or not is not important. It is a truth. And not all truth is accepted. We experienced a terrible tragedy this past year, or should I say we experience terrible tragedies everyday on this plane of existence and most go unnoticed because there are so many. But the killing of innocent anyone, let alone killing itself,  is thought of by all of us at some point in our lives. We all contribute to the Pool of Thought, and all in return are allowed to pick up thoughts out of that pool. Someone once said "Be careful of what you wish for"...that saying is more true than you know....Kaseybrad

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Teleseminar...Expanded thoughts

If you missed our teleseminar on the can go to this link and replay the event. We will be hosting FREE teleseminar well as our BLOGTALKRADIO show (KASEYBRAD), which is FREE also. E-mail us and we will put you on our list of subscribers and also receive a FREE 10 minute meditation Download. ......Kaseybrad

Wednesday, December 26, 2012


We will be on the air tonight December 26th at 6:00 p.m. MTN time discussing EXPANDABLE THOUGHTS. Join us on Instant event is is 731173# This show is FREE!!!!

Friday, December 21, 2012


As we go throughout life's grand adventure and consider all there is to experience in this Human plane of existence we are all experiencing, I am always brought back to the simple truth that Humans are a lazy species! We never want to do anything unless there is some type of material gain attached to it!

For eons of lifetimes historians have talked about the END OF DAYS! And a lot of people have bought into it. The 2nd coming! Well, the coming of what? Human's have forgotten who it was who created all of this experience! YOU DID!!!! You are that powerful of a being! You are the literal offshoot of Source!

We are all connected as one! How much more plain can that be? Oh, I know it is so much easier to blame someone else for your shortcomings than yourself. But truth be told whether you like it or not....You are the one responsible. You created this existence and your experience here at this time in this existence. You get to decide everyday what you get to do and how to do it. No one else is responsible unless you allow that to happen to YOU! The world needs to wake up and get their coffee brewing and drink. There is no date out there that spells anything unless YOU allow that to happen to yourself. Maybe if you thought about just how powerful of a being you really are...There would be real change in this beautiful world....Kaseybrad 

Saturday, December 15, 2012

A Little Holiday Cheer

Kaseybrad has decided to give a 1/2 off special for the Holidays. Readings that are usually $300.00 we will offer for $150.00 so E-mail us at and get on the list before time runs out. Just by E-mailing us we will send you a FREE meditation download, and you will receive our weekly newsletter. These 2 items are FREE!!!!!  WHAT A BETTER GIFT TO GIVE TO SOMEONE ON YOUR LIST!!!!   Happy Holidays....Ho, Ho, Ho....Kaseybrad

Friday, December 14, 2012

The Butterfly's true meaning

The most it is just an annoying insect, and to some it reminds them of spring, but in all reality the BUTTERFLY is a representation of the element ETHER! It represents the ETHERIAL passage into spirituality. The translucent state of a butterfly allows light to come in...the light magnifies its coloration and movement in all that it does....Kaseybrad

The Dragonfly's true meaning

The DRAGONFLY is the stimulating energy creature that interacts with and encourages your spirit to be inspired and move into new things. It dances and plays with your spirit's energy. It creates enthusiastic thoughts and positive outlooks in your life's existence....Kaseybrad

Why are CRYSTALS so important?

CRYSTALS magnify all energy that comes in contact with it! By surrounding yourself with this type of energy you are literally utilizing nature's gifts of amplification!  YOU are accepting nature's help in your own transformation to enlightenment.Too many Human Beings miss this point in their enlightenment!

Monday, December 10, 2012

Why was your SOUL created?

                                               WHY WAS YOUR SOUL CREATED?

Well to put it simply...your Soul is the emotion aspect inside of you and it allows you to hold or feel something. The Soul was created to hold thought still long enough to feel it! Without a Soul your spirit would simply have thought passing through it, and never stopping or never pausing, and you wouldn't have the opportunity to FEEL a thought and experience it!

The Soul is the emotion aspect because it holds the thoughts you have every second of your life's existence. When you decide to create something in your life, it comes from thinking of something, and imagining it. That is the Soul holding that thought so you may manifest it into an experience for yourself. Without the Soul you would have no ability to hold thought and you would just BE!

When you understand just how important you are to Source and Source knowing itself, for Source expands just like you do through experience, then you begin to understand just how important of a Being you truly are! You expand Source because of your Soul! Think about that one for awhile!....Kaseybrad

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Why aren't Human's more conciously aware?

Human Beings are not more consciously aware of what goes on around them due to the fact that this realm of existence has polarity to it. For instance if you were to wake up one morning and say that it was a beautiful day, there is the possibility that it might be an awful day. Both positive and negative exist on this realm at the same time. Due to this phenomenon you don't fall apart. There is more space in what you believe to be a solid, and it is the positive and negative that holds everything together. Or should I say what holds matter together. Where do you think the phrase "what matters to you" came from? Science has learned recently that if it slows down the speed of light then matter particles begin to accumulate. Why is that? I am not a scientist, and I know there is some scientific reason for this, but the truth be told it is because positive and negative work with each other to create things.

Humans seem to think that they are so smart. We are smart to a degree. What we are not smart about is the conscious awareness aspect of this realm of existence. If we understood our conscious awareness completely we would cease to exist on this realm. There would be no reason to be here at all. We would be able to create anything we would like with just the mere thought of something. Since thought is the beginning of everything, yes you heard me correct, thought is the first thing there is, then that would mean that whatever you could think about could be possible. I think someone else quoted that very saying years ago and no one understood it's true meaning. Hmmm...I wonder who they were talking to? You see you can't do anything without first thinking about it! It is impossible. So, thought moves up to the head of the class so to speak.

Our conscious is based upon what we seem to think we know or feel. Feelings stimulate hormones in our bodies and let us feel a certain way about certain things. Now that is a pretty simple way of explaining it. But, most base their emotions and their upbringings on something that was either taught to them growing up or required of them which brought about feelings to those teachings. Thus your consciousness was affected by someone or something. To most who are aware of themselves, sometimes there is that seed of doubt, or that nagging question that they feel inside of themselves that goes contrary to what is being said by someone or being taught. And that is the polarity I am referring to. Whatever could be considered by one as being correct to them, could be incorrect to another. That is polarity!

It isn't until you come to this basic understanding of what is going on in this realm of existence, that you can move into being aware of your consciousness. Without understanding polarity, you will not understand consciousness.